And if there is a new song I want to hear, I use Alexa and a $50 thingie to see if I like it before spending money on it. As I am in my 70s, hear nothing above 11 Khz and have tinnitus, some days I am just happy to listen to anything. En consonancia con eso, Vidmore Player le permite reproducir casi todos los formatos de archivos de video, incluidos Blu-ray, discos DVD / archivos / archivos ISO, videos 4K y 8K UHD con una calidad de video perfecta. The only thing that might cause me to switch is the sound quality - I have no problem with JRiver and quite a few people say it's sound is as good as any, but I may try Roon just for that reason. Recomendamos encarecidamente Vidmore Player como una de las alternativas de JRiver Media Center. A question - does Roon provide an easy way to change tagging info? JRiver does this simply and I do spend a bit of time making sure everything is listed as I like it.

I read about people liking Roon's curation, but by using the links I can easily dig as deep into an artist as is available on the net - somedays I find myself spending several hours learning about the music while it is playing.

Links to album and artist info by wiki, google, youtube, lyrics and you can create your own links as well.

After using JRiver for over 10 years, I am in too deep to switch, but I think JRiver gives me everything I need.