Member companies include Sony, Microsoft Japan, Capcom, Square Enix, EA, and Atlus Nintendo is listed as a “special supporting member.” The association's annual “white paper" details Japanese and global video game sales data collected through surveys of publishers. *CESA is a respected industry publication out of Japan.

However, we do have an official sales total for the franchise: Pokemon games collectively sold over 440 million units by the end of March 2022. We reached out to Nintendo for an official number and didn’t receive a response. 1.5 million copies were also sold on 3DS through Virtual Console, according to Nintendo, bringing the estimated total of Pokemon’s first-gen games to roughly 47 million. While Nintendo hasn't publicly shared a sales total for the first generation of Pokemon games, survey data from the Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association ( CESA)* put the four versions' combined sales around 45 million copies - approximately 31.05 million for Red/Blue/Green and 14.64 million for Yellow.

Yellow Version (aka Special Pikachu Edition) followed between 19, depending on the territory. In Japan, the era-defining original Pokemon was available in two versions at launch (Red and Green) before coming to other territories as Pokemon Red and Blue. Animal Crossing: New Horizons – 42.21 million (as of March 31, 2023) 11. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Over 40 million (as of April 2022) 12.

However, Bethesda didn’t respond to a request for sales information. Given that comment, its wide-reaching popularity, and many re-releases over the past decade, it’s possible it has outsold some games on this list. Skyrim is one such game: In a November 2021 episode of IGN Unfiltered, Todd Howard said Skyrim has sold “far more” than 30 million copies. Due to a lack of available sales data, we could not include certain games that may have earned a spot on this list.Free downloads are not counted as sales, excluding massively successful games like Fortnite and League of Legends from a list like this.Pack-in games are counted toward sales totals, considering most games on this list were, at one point, bundled with a console.The result is the following list of the ten best-selling video games of all time.

To answer this question, we set out to compile the most accurate list possible by reaching out to publishers and digging through financial reports, news stories, interviews, and more.