I didn't have a chance to unlock everything, but much of what I did see seemed light or completely free of any new context for the original game. Bioshock: Infinite Clash in the Clouds - Free DLC Download 100 working 4 PC and PS3 The combat-focused Clash in the Clouds features 4 'brand new' maps with increasingly difficult enemies, as well as optional extended challenges. The unlocks cost anywhere from $100 to $2,000. Items are unlocked by using cash earned in battle. Here's a complete list of everything you'll be able to unlock in the in-game museum, the Columbian Archeological Society.

Nr ordren er gennemfrt, vises licensnglen ved at logge ind p MyPage. When it hits later today, BioShock Infinite's "Clash in the Clouds" DLC brings with it nearly three dozen pieces of extra content, from concept art, to old-timey modern songs, to 3D models, to videos. Digitale downloads er produkter hvor Elgiganten slger en licensngle.